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How to Deep Clean Carpet at Home

Carpets add texture, color, and warmth to a room, but they’re also notoriously easy to dirty. They soak up spills and stains, trap allergens, and can even make asthma worse.

If you want to get your carpet clean and fresh again, it’s time to do a deep cleaning. While vacuuming is an essential part of keeping your floors looking and feeling their best, a few times a year you should hire a professional carpet cleaner to really get into those fibers.

How to Deep Clean Carpet at Home

Fortunately, there are a few ways to deep clean your carpets at home that won’t cost you a fortune and will do the job just as well as a steam cleaner or other House Cleaning Coquitlam. You can use a homemade solution to refresh the fibers without renting a steam cleaner, or you can sprinkle baking soda and salt over a soiled area of your carpet, work it in with a scrubbing brush, and then steam clean again to remove the residue.

Baking Soda and Salt:

Mix a one-to-one ratio of baking soda and salt in a small bucket. (Kosher salt works best for this method.) Liberally sprinkle the carpet with the mixture and then spritz it with water, according to Tarbox.

Then, scrub the mixture into the carpet fibers with a scrubbing brush and blot up any excess moisture using a cloth or old towels. You can then let the carpet air dry or vacuum again for a completely spotless and fresh-smelling rug.